INFO-H-508 : Questions Actuelles d'Informatique : Planning 2011

8/02/2011 Data-warehousing of public genomic datasets

15/02/2011 The Intel ExaScience Project: High-Performance Computing in the Next Decade

22/02/2011 Participatory noise mapping

1/03/2011 Programmation de processeurs massivement parallèles

15/03/2011 Turning data into value: Predictive Analytics in Marketing

22/03/2011 Dynamic Program Analysis for Database Reverse Engineering

29/03/2011 L’information géographique au 7ème ciel

5/04/2011 Fraud Detection in Practice

26/04/2011 Next challenges of cloud computing

3/05/2011 La Qualité Logicielle en Environnement Critique

10/05/2011 Statistical Modeling of the Financial Markets and Systematic Trading

17/05/2011 Building Software that Rocks: dynamic programming languages in the agile workplace

teaching/infoh508/planning2011.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/05 22:39 by ezimanyi