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INFO-H-415 : Exercises

Active databases

Before Session 1

If you are planning on working on your own laptop/computer (which is strongly advised given the state of the computers in the computer rooms), please download and install the following before the first exercice session.

Session 1 : Exercises "PhD"

Sessions 2 and 3 : Exercises "Employees Departments Projects"

Graph databases

Sessions 4, 5, 6

The commands needed to start the server are written here under. Do not forget to first select the correct databasa as written in the assignment.

In Linux, login, then open a terminal window and type the following commands:

$ cd /tmp

$ tar xJf /serveur/neo4j.tar.xz

$ cd neo4j

$ ./bin/neo4j console

This will launch the server. The address where you can execute your queries should appear in the terminal.

Temporal databases

Sessions 7, 8 and 9

Spatial databases (PostGIS)

Session 10

Session 11

Session 12

teaching/infoh415/tp.1632311060.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/22 13:44 by gdejaege