(16/06/05) Visual BioMaze 1.2.1 for Eclipse 3.1 RC2 is released !
Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri (VBM project Manager)
The new Visual BioMaze 1.2.1 release is now available. This new version was designed to be used with the new Eclipse generation, the 3.1 family.
In addition, new features like Color Algorithms allow user to colour a specific set of nodes or arcs in order to outline a particular path or subgraph of the
graph to be visualised. Users will find more information in the updated tutorial (version 2.0).
For any information contact the development coordinator: Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri [sskhirid@ulb.ac.be]
(23/05/05) Visual BioMaze 1.1.13 beta is released !
Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri (VBM project Manager)
The new Visual BioMaze release is now available. The version 1.1.13 encloses new features such as Zoom in/out and new graphical constraints XML Files.
Some important bugs have also been corrected.
For any information contact the development coordinator: Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri [sskhirid@ulb.ac.be]
(17/02/05) Visual BioMaze 1.1.12 is available !
Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri (VBM project Manager)
The new Visual BioMaze release is now available. The version 1.1.6 comes with a significant amount of improvements. Now, the configuration directory VBMConfig is not required anymore, the system manages its configuration. We have also implanted the notion of style which simplify the manipulation of the different parameters of the framework. Further, we have developed tools which aim to assist user in the development of new contributions.
For any information contact the development coordinator: Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri [sskhirid@ulb.ac.be]
(24/01/05) Visual BioMaze 1.1.3 beta is available !
Skhiri dit Gabouje Sabri (VBM project Manager)
The first public beta test release of the Visual Visual BioMaze is now available. The generic viewer of graph can be now used in order to visualize biochemical networks extracted from the aMAZE database with the Snow system.
More information about the Visual BioMaze project ...