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teaching:projh402 [2014/09/22 14:07]
svsummer [Project proposals]
teaching:projh402 [2022/09/06 10:39] (current)
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-====== ​MA Computer Science Projects (PROJ-H-402)  ​======+====== PROJ-H-402 ​: Computing Projects ​======
 +This is the list of Computing Projects topics proposed for the current academic year by the CoDE department, École polytechnique de Bruxelles, ULB.
-===== Course objective ===== 
-The course PROJ-H-402 is managed by Dr. Mauro Birattari. Please refer to the course description page http://​iridia.ulb.ac.be/​proj-h-402/​index.php/​Main_Page for the rules concerning the project. ​ What follows is a list of project proposals supervised by academic members of CoDE. 
-===== Project proposals ===== 
-=== Principles of Database Management Architectures in Managed Virtual Environments ==== 
-With the gaining popularity of Big Data, many data processing engines 
-are implemented in a managed virtual environment such as the Java 
-Virtual Machine (e.g., Apache Hadoop, Apache Giraph, Drill, 
-...). While this improves the portability of the engine, the tradeoffs 
-and implementation principles w.r.t. traditional C++ implementations 
-are sometimes less understood. 
-The objective in this project is to develop some basic functionalities 
-of a database storage engine (Linked files, BTree, Extensible Hash 
-table, basic external-memory sorting ) in a managed virtual machine 
-(i.e., the Java Virtual Machine or and the .NET Common Language 
-Runtime), and compare this with a C++-based implementation both on (1) 
-ease of implementation and (2) execution efficiency. In order to 
-develop the managed virtual machine implementation,​ the interested 
-student will need to research the best practices that are used in the 
-above-mentioned projects to gain maximum execution speed (e.g., use of 
-the java.lang.unsafe feature, memory-mapped files, ...). 
-**Contact** : Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be) 
-**Status**: available 
-=== Development of a compiler and runtime engine for AQL ==== 
-In 2005, researchers at the IBM Almaden Research Center developped a 
-new system specifically geared for practical information extraction in 
-the enterprise. This effort lead to [[https://​www.google.be/​url?​sa=t&​rct=j&​q=&​esrc=s&​source=web&​cd=2&​cad=rja&​ved=0CEYQFjAB&​url=http%3A%2F%2Fciteseerx.ist.psu.edu%2Fviewdoc%2Fdownload%3Fdoi%3D10.​ei=gyhIUe-XPIexPJ-fgLAG&​usg=AFQjCNHgkbcREbd6bCA26BVf0FuIZ9n7Sg&​sig2=LVQkus_67uSVlwK34BXZ8w&​bvm=bv.43828540,​d.ZWU|SystemT]] , a rule-based IE system with an SQL-like declarative language named [[http://​pic.dhe.ibm.com/​infocenter/​bigins/​v2r0/​topic/​com.ibm.swg.im.infosphere.biginsights.analyze.doc/​doc/​aql_overview.html|AQL (Annotation Query Language)]]. 
-The declarative nature of AQL enables new kinds of tools for extractor 
-development,​ and a cost-based optimizer for 
-performance.  ​ 
-The goal of this project is to develop an open-source compiler and 
-runtime environment of (a simplified version of) AQL. 
-**Contact** : Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be) 
-**Status**: available 
-=== Development of a distributed simulation algorithm ==== 
-Simulation and Bisimulation are fundamental notions in computer 
-science. They underly many formal verification algorithms, and have 
-recently been applied to the construction of so-called structural 
-indexes,​which are novel index data structures for relational databases 
-and the Semantic Web.  Essentially,​ a (bi)simulation is a relation on 
-the nodes of a graph. Unfortunately,​ however, while efficient 
-main-memory algorithms for computing whether two nodes are similar 
-exist, these algorithms fail when no the input graphs are too large to 
-fit in main memory. ​ 
-The objective of this project is to implement a recently proposed 
-algorithm for  computing simulation in a distributed setting, and 
-provide a preliminary performance evaluation of this implementation. 
-**Contact** : Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be) 
-**Status**: available 
-==== Development of a Personal Scientific Digital Library Management System ==== 
-In this project, the student is asked to construct a software system to help manage large collections of scientific papers in digital form. Specifically,​ the system must be able to: 
-  - Scan a given filesystem location for given filetypes (PDFs, EPUB, ...) containing scientific articles. 
-  - Extract the metadata from each identified file. Here, the metadata includes the title of the article, its authors, the publishing venue, the publisher, the year of publication,​ the article'​s abstract ... The development of an intelligent way to retreive this metadata is requried. This could be done, for example by a combination of parsing the file, contacting the internet repositories of known publishers (AMC, Springer, Elsevier) etc to retrieve the data. 
-  - Offer search capabilities,​ in order to allow a user to find all indexed articles matching certain criteria (title, author, ...) 
-  - Offer archiving capabilities 
-Use of semantic web technologies (RDF, SPARQL, ...) to store and search the metadata is encouraged. 
-**Contact** : Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be) 
-**Status**: available 
 +  * [[teaching:​projh402:​wis|Data Science and Engineering]]
 +  * [[teaching:​projh402:​ia|Artificial Intelligence]]
 +  * [[teaching:​projh402:​or|Operational Research and Decision Aid]]
teaching/projh402.1411387639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/22 14:07 by svsummer