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teaching:projh402 [2021/09/18 18:32]
ezimanyi [Dynamic Time Warping for Trajectories]
teaching:projh402 [2021/10/04 19:03]
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-====== MA Computer Science Projects (PROJ-H-402) ​ ======+====== MA Computer Science Projects (PROJ-H-402) ​===== 
 +====== Master'​s Thesis Projects (MEMO-H-504) ​======
 ===== Course objective ===== ===== Course objective =====
-The course PROJ-H-402 is managed by Dr. Mauro Birattari. Please refer to the [[http://​iridia.ulb.ac.be/​wiki/​PROJ-H-402_-_Computing_Project:​_Rules|course description page]] ​  for the rules concerning the project.  ​What follows ​is a list of project proposals supervised ​by academic members of the WIT laboratory.+The course PROJ-H-402 is managed by Pr. Mauro Birattari. Please refer to the [[http://​iridia.ulb.ac.be/​wiki/​PROJ-H-402_-_Computing_Project:​_Rules|course description page]] ​  for the rules concerning the project.  ​ 
 +The course MEMO-H504 ​is managed ​by Pr. Nicolas Cerf.
 +What follows is a list of project proposals supervised by academic members of the WIT laboratory. The proposals below concern both PROJ-H-402 or MEMO-H-504. ​
 ===== Projects in Mobility Databases ===== ===== Projects in Mobility Databases =====
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 Links: Links:
-  * {{:​teaching:​symbolic_trajectories.pdf|}}+  * R.H. Guting, F Valdés, M.L. Damiani, ​{{:​teaching:​symbolic_trajectories.pdf|Symbolic Trajectories}}, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms Systems, (1)2, Article 7, 2015 
 ===== Trajectory Data Warehouses ===== ===== Trajectory Data Warehouses =====
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 ===== Dynamic Time Warping for Trajectories ===== ===== Dynamic Time Warping for Trajectories =====
-The dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm is able to find the optimal alignment between two time series. It is often used to determine time series similarity, classification,​ and to find corresponding regions between two time series. Several dynamic time warping implementations are available. However, DTW has a quadratic time and space complexity that limits its use to small time series data sets. Therefore, a fast approximation of DTW have been proposed ​that has linear time and space complexity.+The dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm is able to find the optimal alignment between two time series. It is often used to determine time series similarity, classification,​ and to find corresponding regions between two time series. Several dynamic time warping implementations are available. However, DTW has a quadratic time and space complexity that limits its use to small time series data sets. Therefore, a fast approximation of DTW that has linear time and space complexity ​has been proposed.
 The goal of this project is to survey and to prototype in MobilityDB the state of art methods in dynamic time warping. ​ The goal of this project is to survey and to prototype in MobilityDB the state of art methods in dynamic time warping. ​
-  * Toni Giorgino, [[https://​www.jstatsoft.org/​article/​view/​v031i07|Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package] +  * T. Giorgino, [[https://​www.jstatsoft.org/​article/​view/​v031i07|Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package]], Journal of Statistical Software, (31)7, 2009. 
-  * S. Salvador, P. Chan [[https://​cs.fit.edu/​~pkc/​papers/​tdm04.pdf|FastDTW:​ Toward Accurate Dynamic Time Warping in Linear Time and Space]]+  * S. Salvador, P. Chan[[https://​cs.fit.edu/​~pkc/​papers/​tdm04.pdf|FastDTW:​ Toward Accurate Dynamic Time Warping in Linear Time and Space]], Intelligent Data Analysis, 11(5):​561-580,​ 2007. 
 +  * D.F. Silva, G.E.A.P.A. Batista, [[http://​sites.labic.icmc.usp.br/​dfs/​pdf/​SDM_PrunedDTW.pdf|Speeding Up All-Pairwise Dynamic Time Warping Matrix Calculation]],​ Proceedings of the 2016 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pp. 837-845, 2016. 
 +  * G. Al-Naymat, S. Chawla, J. Taheri (2012). [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1201.2969|SparseDTW:​ A Novel Approach to Speed up Dynamic Time Warping]]. CoRR abs/​1201.2969,​ 2012. 
 +  *  M. Müller, H. Mattes, F. Kurth, ​ [[https://​www.audiolabs-erlangen.de/​content/​05-fau/​professor/​00-mueller/​03-publications/​2006_MuellerMattesKurth_MultiscaleAudioSynchronization_ISMIR.pdf|An Efficient Multiscale Approach to Audio Synchronization]]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), pp. 192-197, 2006. 
 +  * Thomas Prätzlich, Jonathan Driedger, and Meinard Müller, [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​publication/​303667579_Memory-Restricted_Multiscale_Dynamic_Time_Warping|Memory-Restricted Multiscale Dynamic Time Warping]], Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 569-573, 2016. 
 ===== Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure ===== ===== Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure =====
 One of the main functions for a wide range of application domains is to measure the  similarity between two  moving objects'​ trajectories. This is desirable for similarity-based retrieval, classification,​ clustering and  other querying and mining tasks over moving objects'​ data. The  existing movement similarity measures can be classified into  two classes: (1) spatial similarity that focuses on finding trajectories with  similar geometric shapes, ignoring the temporal dimension; and (2) spatio-temporal similarity that takes into account both the spatial and the temporal dimensions of movement data. One of the main functions for a wide range of application domains is to measure the  similarity between two  moving objects'​ trajectories. This is desirable for similarity-based retrieval, classification,​ clustering and  other querying and mining tasks over moving objects'​ data. The  existing movement similarity measures can be classified into  two classes: (1) spatial similarity that focuses on finding trajectories with  similar geometric shapes, ignoring the temporal dimension; and (2) spatio-temporal similarity that takes into account both the spatial and the temporal dimensions of movement data.
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 +===== Finding Logic Bugs in Database Systems =====
 +Database management systems are complex in their implementations. Implementation errors (Bugs) are therefore inevitable, no matter how mature the implementation is. Logic bugs are one kind of bugs, that cause a query to return incorrect results (e.g., less or more data in the results). Since they don't result in a system crash, logic bugs are difficult to discover.
 +source: Finding Logic Bugs in Database Management Systems (Manuel Rigger, ETH SQLancer)
 +[[https://​github.com/​sqlancer/​sqlancer|SQLLancer]] is an interesting tool that finds logic bugs by implementing a set of automated logic techniques for generated test queries. One techniques, for instance is the Ternary Logic Partitioning (TLP). TLP partitions a query into three partitioning queries, each of which computes its result, where respectively a predicate p, NOT p, and p IS NULL holds. Clearly the union of the three results must be the whole relation, otherwise a bug is spotted !
 +The aim of this project is to extend SQLLancer (and the theory behind it) for testing moving object databases. In more detail, the goals are:
 +  - Identify the relevant state of the art
 +  - Test SQLLancer, and repeat all its experiments ​
 +    * ----- Milestone PROJ-H-402 ​
 +  - Extend the logic bug finding methods for spatiotemporal trajectories
 +  - Find logic bug in MobilityDB ​
 +    * ----- Milestone MEMO-H-504
 +Links for further readings:
 +  * [[https://​www.usenix.org/​system/​files/​osdi20-rigger.pdf|Testing Database Engines via Pivoted Query Synthesis (OSDI '​20)]] ​
 +  * [[https://​arxiv.org/​abs/​2007.08292|Detecting Optimization Bugs in Database Engines via Non-Optimizing Reference Engine Construction (ESEC/FSE '20) ]]
 +  * [[https://​dl.acm.org/​doi/​pdf/​10.1145/​3428279|Finding Bugs in Database Systems via Query Partitioning (OOPSLA '20) ]]
teaching/projh402.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/06 10:39 by ezimanyi