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teaching:projh402 [2021/09/18 18:27]
ezimanyi [Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure]
teaching:projh402 [2021/09/18 18:38]
ezimanyi [Symbolic trajectories]
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 Links: Links:
-  * {{:​teaching:​symbolic_trajectories.pdf|}}+  * R.H. Guting, F Valdés, M.L. Damiani, ​{{:​teaching:​symbolic_trajectories.pdf|Symbolic Trajectories}}, ACM Trans. Spatial Algorithms Syst., Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 7, 2015 
 ===== Trajectory Data Warehouses ===== ===== Trajectory Data Warehouses =====
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 The goal of this project is to survey and to prototype in MobilityDB the state of art methods in dynamic time warping. ​ The goal of this project is to survey and to prototype in MobilityDB the state of art methods in dynamic time warping. ​
 +  * Toni Giorgino, [[https://​www.jstatsoft.org/​article/​view/​v031i07|Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package]]
 +  * S. Salvador, P. Chan, [[https://​cs.fit.edu/​~pkc/​papers/​tdm04.pdf|FastDTW:​ Toward Accurate Dynamic Time Warping in Linear Time and Space]]
 ===== Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure ===== ===== Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure =====
 One of the main functions for a wide range of application domains is to measure the  similarity between two  moving objects'​ trajectories. This is desirable for similarity-based retrieval, classification,​ clustering and  other querying and mining tasks over moving objects'​ data. The  existing movement similarity measures can be classified into  two classes: (1) spatial similarity that focuses on finding trajectories with  similar geometric shapes, ignoring the temporal dimension; and (2) spatio-temporal similarity that takes into account both the spatial and the temporal dimensions of movement data. One of the main functions for a wide range of application domains is to measure the  similarity between two  moving objects'​ trajectories. This is desirable for similarity-based retrieval, classification,​ clustering and  other querying and mining tasks over moving objects'​ data. The  existing movement similarity measures can be classified into  two classes: (1) spatial similarity that focuses on finding trajectories with  similar geometric shapes, ignoring the temporal dimension; and (2) spatio-temporal similarity that takes into account both the spatial and the temporal dimensions of movement data.
teaching/projh402.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/06 10:39 by ezimanyi