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teaching:projh402 [2013/09/23 11:47]
teaching:projh402 [2020/10/01 11:05]
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 The course PROJ-H-402 is managed by Dr. Mauro Birattari. Please refer to the course description page http://​iridia.ulb.ac.be/​proj-h-402/​index.php/​Main_Page for the rules concerning the project. ​ What follows is a list of project proposals supervised by academic members of CoDE. The course PROJ-H-402 is managed by Dr. Mauro Birattari. Please refer to the course description page http://​iridia.ulb.ac.be/​proj-h-402/​index.php/​Main_Page for the rules concerning the project. ​ What follows is a list of project proposals supervised by academic members of CoDE.
-===== Project proposals ​=====+===== Projects in Mobility Databases ​=====
-==== Development ​of a Personal Scientific Digital Library Management System ====+Mobility databases (MOD) are database systems that can store and manage moving object geospatial trajectory data. A moving object is an object that changes its location over time (e.g., a car driving on the road network). Using a variety of sensors, the location tracks of moving objects can be recorded in digital formats. A MOD, then, helps storing and querying such data. A couple of prototype systems have been proposed by research groups. Yet, a mainstream system is by far still missing. By mainstream we mean that the development builds on widely accepted tools, that are actively being maintained and developed. A mainstream system would exploit the functionality of these tools, and would maximize the reuse of their ecosystems. As result, it becomes more closer to end users, and easily adopted in the industry.
-In this project, the student ​is asked to construct ​software system to help manage large collections ​of scientific papers in digital formSpecifically, ​the system ​must be able to: +Towards filling ​this gapour group is building ​the [[MobilityDB|https://​github.com/​MobilityDB/​MobilityDB]] system . It builds on PostGIS, which is a spatial database extension ​of PostgreSQLMobilityDB extends ​the type system ​of PostgreSQL and PostGIS with ADTs for representing moving object data. It definesfor instance, the tgeompoint type for representing a time dependant geometry pointMobilityDB types are well integrated into the platformto achieve maximal reusabilityhence a mainstream ​development. ​For instance, the tgeompoint type builds on the PostGIS geometry(pointtypeSimilarly MobilityDB builds on existing operationsindexingand optimization framework.
-  - Scan a given filesystem location ​for given filetypes (PDFsEPUB...) containing scientific articles. +
-  - Extract ​the metadata from each identified fileHere, the metadata includes the title of the articleits authorsthe publishing venue, the publisher, the year of publication,​ the article'​s abstract ... The development ​of an intelligent way to retreive this metadata is requriedThis could be donefor example by a combination of parsing ​the file, contacting ​the internet repositories of known publishers ​(AMC, Springer, Elsevieretc to retrieve the data. +
-  - Offer search capabilitiesin order to allow a user to find all indexed articles matching certain criteria (title, author, ...) +
-  - Offer archiving capabilities+
-Use of semantic web technologies (RDF, SPARQL, ​...) to store and search the metadata is encouraged.+MobilityDB supports SQL as query interface. Currently it is quite rich in terms of types and functionsIt is incubated as community project in OSGeo [[OSGeo|https://​www.osgeo.org/​projects/​mobilitydb/​]],​ which certifies high technical quality
-**Contact** : Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be)+The following project ideas contribute to different parts of MobilityDBThey all constitute innovative development,​ mixing both research and developmentThey hence will help developing the student skills in:
-**Status**: available+  ​Understanding the theory and the implementation of moving object databases. 
 +  ​Understanding the architecture of extensible databases, in this case PostgreSQL. 
 +  ​Writing open source software.
-==== Curriculum Revision Assistant ====+==== Visualization Moving Objects on the Web
-In this project, the student is asked to construct a software system that can assist in the revision of teaching curricula (also known as teaching programs). The system should have the following functionalities:​ +==== Implementing TSBS on MobilityDB ==== 
-  - It should be able to load existing curricula from the ULB central administration. This could be done, for example, by parsing the webpages available at banner (the Civil Engineering in CS program is available at http://​banssbfr.ulb.ac.be/​PROD_frFR/​bzscrse.p_disp_prog_detail?​term_in=201314&​prog_in=MA-IRIF&​lang=FRENCH, for example). +which includes devising ​spatio-temporal bucket function equivalent ​to time_bucket ​from TimescaleDB.
-  - It should allow to make different versions of the teaching programs, much in the same way as version control systems like GIT and subversion offer the possibility to make different "​development branches"​ of program'​s source code. +
-  ​It should allow to analyze the modifications proposed in the teaching programs, and summarize the impact that these changes could have on other programs. (For example, if a course is removed from the computer science curriculum, it should also be removed ​from all curricula that included the course.)+
-**Contact** ​Stijn Vansummeren (stijn.vansummeren@ulb.ac.be)+==== Distributed Moving Object Database on Amazon AWS ==== 
 +A distributed database is an architecture in which multiple database instances on different machines are integrate in order to form a single database server. Both the data and the queries are then distributed over these database instances. This architecture is effective in deploying big databases on a cloud platform. 
 +MobilityDB is engineered as an extension of PostgreSQL. AWS supports PostgreSQL databases in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and in Amazon Aurora. The goal of this project is to integrate MobilityDB with these products. The key outcomes are a comprehensive assessment of which MOD API can/cannot be distributed,​ and an assessment of the performance gain. These outcomes should serve as a base for a thesis project to achieve effective integration. 
 +==== Distributed Moving Object Database on MS Azure ==== 
 +A distributed database is an architecture in which multiple database instances on different machines are integrate in order to form a single database server. Both the data and the queries are then distributed over these database instances. This architecture is effective in deploying big databases on a cloud platform. 
 +MobilityDB is engineered as an extension of PostgreSQL. MS Azure supports distributed PostgreSQL databases using [[Citus|https://www.citusdata.com/]]We have made successful tests for integrating MobilityDB and Citus on a local cluster. The goal of this project is to repeat this work on MS Azureintegrate MobilityDB with these products. The key outcomes are a comprehensive assessment of which MOD API can/​cannot ​be distributed,​ and an assessment of the performance gain. These outcomes should serve as a base for a thesis project to achieve effective integration. 
 +==== Map-matching as a Service ====  
 +When GPS tracks typically contain errors, because the GPS receiver ​  
 +==== Geospatial Trajectory Data Cleaning ==== 
 +==== Geospatial Trajectory Similarity Measure ==== 
 +==== Spatiotemporal k-Nearest Neighbour (kNNQueries ====
-**Status**: available 
teaching/projh402.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/06 10:39 by ezimanyi