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teaching:mfe:is [2018/04/30 11:11]
svsummer [Multi-query Optimization in Spark]
teaching:mfe:is [2018/04/30 11:11]
svsummer [Accelerated Distributed Platform for Spatial Queries]
Line 84: Line 84:
   * An experimental validation of the developed system.   * An experimental validation of the developed system.
-**Interested?​*+**Interested?​** Contact : [[ielghand@ulb.ac.be.ac.be|Iman Elghandour]] or [[svsummer@ulb.ac.be|Stijn Vansummeren]] 
-  ​* Contact : //Iman Elghandour// or //Stijn Vansummeren//+
 **Status**: available **Status**: available
teaching/mfe/is.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/29 17:03 by mahmsakr