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INFO-H-509 : XML and Web Technologies


The evolution of the World Wide Web has seen an explosion of data communication technologies, protocols, and standards such as XML, DTDs, XML Schema, XPath, XSLT, DOM, SAX, RDF, OWL, … . In this course we decipher this alphabet soup of web technologies. The global goal is to obtain both a fundamental insight into the formal theory behind these technologies as well working knowledge of how they are used in practice.

The main course objectives and developed competences, as well as the examination modalities are summarized in the course plan (general course information document).



  • The course is taught in the second semester and comprises 5 crédits ECTS
  • The course's syllabus consists of (1) the course notes distributed on this web site and (2) the book by A. Moller and M. Schwartzbach, An Introduction to XML and Web Technologies. Addison-Wesley, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-26966-9
  • Attention! The lecture slides are only made available for the convenience of the students but do not suffice as syllabus! Please be sure to aquire a copy of the book!
  • Evaluation is by written exam (closed book) and project work.


Lecture 1: Introduction and Web Architecture

In this first lecture (slides) we (1) overview the content and objectives of the course and (2) discuss the history of the Web and its overall architecture (URIs, resources, representations). In particular we have looked at the working of the HTTP protocol and gave a very brief overview of HTML and CSS.

Required reading:

Practical Sessions


teaching/infoh509.1549974953.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/12 13:35 by svsummer