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teaching:infoh417 [2015/10/07 19:41]
teaching:infoh417 [2019/09/10 12:14]
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 ====== INFO-H-417 : Database Systems Architecture ====== ====== INFO-H-417 : Database Systems Architecture ======
- +<note important>​If you are following this course, ​please ​fill in   [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSeNNsjBE-zrhNulpldr3-z-PB8W5hHPDMcVFdho-0PGqgmvPw/​viewform|this form]] **before october 1**. This allows ​the course ​responsibles ​to contact you if needed, and get a better overview of the participant'​s ​background.</​note>​
-<note important>​If you are following this course, ​it is mandatory that you fill out [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​1R5gEJiYDUpCyZBzfIvneVmEwJkr3UxCfbn3-j1hl43E/​viewform|this form]] ​by **friday, 25 september at the latest**. This enables ​the course ​instructors ​to contact you in the future, as well as form an idea on your background.</​note>​ +
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   * **Lecturer**:​ [[http://​code.ulb.ac.be/​code.people.php?​id=992|Stijn Vansummeren]] (Campus Solbosh, Building U, 4th floor, room UB4.125)   * **Lecturer**:​ [[http://​code.ulb.ac.be/​code.people.php?​id=992|Stijn Vansummeren]] (Campus Solbosh, Building U, 4th floor, room UB4.125)
-  * **Assistant**:​ [[http://​code.ulb.ac.be/​smg.people.php?​id=907|Stefan Eppe]] (Campus Solbosh, Building U, 4th floor, room UB4.131)+
 ==== Organisation ==== ==== Organisation ====
     * The course is taught during the first semester     * The course is taught during the first semester
-    * The course schedule is available [[infoh417:​horaire|on-line]] ​ 
     * The list of competences that will be taught during the course and interrogated during the exam is available in the {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​course plan.pdf|course plan.}}     * The list of competences that will be taught during the course and interrogated during the exam is available in the {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​course plan.pdf|course plan.}}
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   * During lecture 1 ({{:​teaching:​infoh417:​slides-lect1.pdf|slides}}),​ we present an overview of the architecture of a query compiler (see chapter 16, sections 16.1, 16.3.1 and  16.3.2 in the book) and study the translation of SQL into the extended relational algebra (see {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​sql2alg_eng.pdf|course notes}} for the full translation algorithm).   * During lecture 1 ({{:​teaching:​infoh417:​slides-lect1.pdf|slides}}),​ we present an overview of the architecture of a query compiler (see chapter 16, sections 16.1, 16.3.1 and  16.3.2 in the book) and study the translation of SQL into the extended relational algebra (see {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​sql2alg_eng.pdf|course notes}} for the full translation algorithm).
-  * You are expected to solve exercise 1 of the {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​01-sql2alg-ex.pdf|translation exercises (pdf)}} by the exercise session ​ of friday ​25 september. Exercise 2 gives extra exercise possibilities+  * You are expected to solve exercise 1 of the {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​01-sql2alg-ex.pdf|translation exercises (pdf)}} by the exercise session ​ of friday ​27 september. Exercise 2 gives extra exercise possibilities,​ but will not be corrected in class
-  *  The {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​01_-_sql2alg-sol-slides.pdf|solutions}} of the translation exercises are available. + 
- +
- +
-==== Lecture 2: Optimization of Logical Query Plans  ==== +
- +
-  * During lecture 2 ({{:​teaching:​infoh417:​slides-lect2.pdf|slides}})we study optimization of the select-project-join expressions (see {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​conjunctive_eng.pdf|course notes}} for the full optimization algorithm and its correctness). In addition, *next week* we will discuss popular heuristics for improving general logical query plans: see chapter 16, section 16.3.3 in the book which discusses the simple (but very important) logical optimizations of “pushing” selections and projections;​ and recognizing joins, based on the algebraic equalities from section 16.2. +
- +
-  * You are expected to solve exercises 1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5, 6, and 8.1 of the {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​02-logicalopt-ex.pdf|optimization exercises}} ​ by the exercise session of friday, october 2. You are strongly advised to also try exercises 2, 3, and 4, although these exercises ​will not be corrected ​during that session. The remaining exercises give extra exercise possibilities. +
- +
-  * The {{:​teaching:​infoh417:​02_-_logicalopt-sol-slides.pdf|solutions}} of the optimization exercises are online. +
- +
-  * A summary of [[:​teaching:​infoh417:​logicalopt-additional|common questions and answers, mistakes and questions regarding the optimization of logical query plans]] is also available. +
-   +
- +
-==== Reading Assignment 1: Physical data organisation ​ ==== +
- +
-   * We take an intermezzo ​in the compilation of SQL to logical query plans, and consider how a DBMS physically organizes its data on disk ​({{:​teaching:​infoh417:​slides-ra1.pdf|slides}}). The details may be found in chapter 13 of the book and constitute the first reading assignment, which is to be performed instead of the lecture of friday, october 2. +
- +
-==== Lecture 3: Index Structures ​ ====+
-  * During Lecture 3 ({{:​teaching:​infoh417:​slides-lect3-part1.pdf|slides part I}},  {{|slides part II}}) we study sparse and dense index structures, and BTrees. The details are found in chapter 14, sections 14.1 and 14.2 in the book. 
teaching/infoh417.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/10 08:46 by svsummer