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teaching:infoh415 [2017/12/19 19:16]
ezimanyi [Topics for the current academic year]
teaching:infoh415 [2019/10/11 14:44]
gdejaege [Schedule]
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 ===== Teaching Assistant ===== ===== Teaching Assistant =====
-  * [[http://code.ulb.ac.be/​code.people.php?​id=1285|Dhananjay Ipparthi]] ([[dhananjay.ipparthi@ulb.ac.be ​]])+  * [[Gilles.Dejaegere@ulb.ac.be|Gilles Dejaegere]]
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 The course is given during the first semester ​ The course is given during the first semester ​
-  * Lectures on Thursdays ​from pm to pm at the room S.UA4.218 +  * Lectures on Mondays ​from pm to pm at the room S.AY2.108 **except 14/10/2019 which is a practical session in S.UB4.130** 
-  * Exercises on Mondays ​from pm to pm at the room S.UB4.130+  * Exercises on Thursdays ​from pm to pm at the room S.UB4.130
-/* +/*  
-{{:​teaching:​infoh415:​infoh415-1415-courseplan-rev.1.pdf|Schedule}} +{{:​teaching:​infoh415:​infoh415schedule2018.pdf|Schedule}}
   * [[http://​www.google.com/​calendar/​embed?​src=dug2eihu8tqtnkjhmtuupj0je0%40group.calendar.google.com&​ctz=Europe/​Brussels|Online schedule]]   * [[http://​www.google.com/​calendar/​embed?​src=dug2eihu8tqtnkjhmtuupj0je0%40group.calendar.google.com&​ctz=Europe/​Brussels|Online schedule]]
 */ */
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 Temporal data and applications. Time ontology. Conceptual modeling of temporal aspects. Manipulation of temporal data with standard SQL. Temporal data and applications. Time ontology. Conceptual modeling of temporal aspects. Manipulation of temporal data with standard SQL.
-==== Object ​Databases ====+==== Graph Databases ====
-Object-oriented modelObject PersistanceODMG standard: Object Definition Language and Object Query Language.+...
 ==== Spatial Databases ==== ==== Spatial Databases ====
Line 78: Line 75:
   * Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon, SQL: 1999 - Understanding Relational Language Components, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001   * Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon, SQL: 1999 - Understanding Relational Language Components, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001
   * Jim Melton, Advanced SQL: 1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002   * Jim Melton, Advanced SQL: 1999 - Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002
-  * R.G.G. Cattel et al.The Object Database Standard: ODMG 3.0Morgan Kaufmann2000 +  * Ian RobinsonJim WebberEmil EifremGraph Databases, 2nd Edition, O'​Reilly Media, 2015
   * Philippe Rigaux, Michel Scholl, Agnès Voisard, Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001   * Philippe Rigaux, Michel Scholl, Agnès Voisard, Spatial Databases: With Application to GIS, Morgan Kaufmann, 2001
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   * E. Zimányi, Temporal Aggregates and Temporal Universal Quantifiers in Standard SQL, SIGMOD Record, 35(2):​16-21,​ 2006. ({{http://​code.ulb.ac.be/​dbfiles/​Zim2006article.pdf|version pdf}})   * E. Zimányi, Temporal Aggregates and Temporal Universal Quantifiers in Standard SQL, SIGMOD Record, 35(2):​16-21,​ 2006. ({{http://​code.ulb.ac.be/​dbfiles/​Zim2006article.pdf|version pdf}})
   * Krishna Kulkarni, Jan-Eike Michels, Temporal features in SQL:2011, SIGMOD Record, 41(3):​34-43,​ 2012. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​TempFeaturesSQL2011.pdf|version pdf}})   * Krishna Kulkarni, Jan-Eike Michels, Temporal features in SQL:2011, SIGMOD Record, 41(3):​34-43,​ 2012. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​TempFeaturesSQL2011.pdf|version pdf}})
-  * Gregory Sannik, Fred Daniels, Enabling the Temporal Data Warehouse, Teradata White paper. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_enabling_temporal.pdf|version pdf}})+  ​* Michael H. Böhlen, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper, Christian S. Jensen, Temporal Data Management: An Overview, Proc. of the 7th European Summer School on Business Intelligence and Big Data, eBISS 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium, LNBIP 324, Springer 2018. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​bohlen.pdf|version pdf}})  ​* Gregory Sannik, Fred Daniels, Enabling the Temporal Data Warehouse, Teradata White paper. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_enabling_temporal.pdf|version pdf}})
   * Richard T. Snodgrass, A Case Study of Temporal Data, Teradata White paper. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_temporal_case_study.pdf|version pdf}})   * Richard T. Snodgrass, A Case Study of Temporal Data, Teradata White paper. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_temporal_case_study.pdf|version pdf}})
   * Teradata, Temporal Table Support. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_temporal_support.pdf|version pdf}})   * Teradata, Temporal Table Support. ({{teaching:​infoh415:​teradata_temporal_support.pdf|version pdf}})
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     * [[http://​www.fresher.com/​|Matisse]]     * [[http://​www.fresher.com/​|Matisse]]
     * [[http://​www.intersystems.com/​cache/​index.html|Caché]]     * [[http://​www.intersystems.com/​cache/​index.html|Caché]]
 +  * Spatial databases
 +    * [[https://​postgis.net/​workshops/​postgis-intro/​|Introduction to PostGIS]]  ​
 ===== Course Slides ===== ===== Course Slides =====
Line 113: Line 112:
   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​activenotes.pdf|Active databases}}   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​activenotes.pdf|Active databases}}
   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​temporalnotes.pdf|Temporal databases}}   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​temporalnotes.pdf|Temporal databases}}
-  * {{teaching:​infoh415:​objectnotes.pdf|Object databases}}+/*   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​objectnotes.pdf|Object databases}}   */ 
 +  * {{:​teaching:​infoh415:​graph_databases_notes.zip|Graph Notes}}
   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​spatialnotes.pdf|Spatial databases}}   * {{teaching:​infoh415:​spatialnotes.pdf|Spatial databases}}
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 The project will count for 25% of the final grade. The project will count for 25% of the final grade.
-The project must be submitted by **Monday, December ​182017**.+The project must be submitted by **Monday, December ​162019**.
 ===== Examples of topics from the previous academic year ===== ===== Examples of topics from the previous academic year =====
 +You can take a look at the [[https://​db-engines.com/​en/​|DB-Engines]] web site to get an idea of the currently available technologies and tools. Examples of previous topics are given next:
   * Analytical databases and Endeca   * Analytical databases and Endeca
   * Cloud databases and Microsoft Azure   * Cloud databases and Microsoft Azure
   * Column stores and Cassandra, Hbase, ...   * Column stores and Cassandra, Hbase, ...
-  * Database Security ​and Oracle+  * Data warehouses ​and Apache Hive
   * Deductive Databases and XSB   * Deductive Databases and XSB
   * Distributed databases and SQL Server, DynamoDB, ...   * Distributed databases and SQL Server, DynamoDB, ...
   * Document stores and Cloudant, Couchbase, CouchDB, MongoDB, RavenDB, RethinkDB, ...   * Document stores and Cloudant, Couchbase, CouchDB, MongoDB, RavenDB, RethinkDB, ...
   * Embedded databases and BerkeleyDB   * Embedded databases and BerkeleyDB
-  ​* Graph Databases and Neo4J, OrientDB, ... +  * In-memory databases and Kdb+, MemSQL, Oracle TimesTen, Memcached, ....
-  ​* In-memory databases and Kdb+, MemSQL, Oracle TimesTen, ....+
   * Key-value stores and Redis, Voldermort, ...   * Key-value stores and Redis, Voldermort, ...
   * Multimedia databases and Oracle   * Multimedia databases and Oracle
Line 161: Line 162:
   * NewSQL databases and VoltDB   * NewSQL databases and VoltDB
   * Object-oriented databases and db4o   * Object-oriented databases and db4o
-  * Object-relational mappings and Entity Framework, Hibernate, Java Data Objects, ... 
   * Real-time databases and Firebase   * Real-time databases and Firebase
-  * Spatial databases and SQL Server +  ​* Search engines and Solr, ElasticSearch,​ Sphinx ... 
-  * Spatial 3D Databases ​and PostgreSQL+  ​* Spatial databases and Rasdaman 
 +  * Stream databases and Apache Kafka 
 +  * Time series databases ​and Influx DB, Kdb+, ...
   * XML databases and BaseX   * XML databases and BaseX
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 ===== Topics for the current academic year ===== ===== Topics for the current academic year =====
-  * Kaïs Albichari, Tanguy d'Hose{{:​teaching:​mongodb_2017.pdf|Document stores and MongoDB}} +  * Analytics data warehouse and Google BigQueryHridaya Sagar SubediAlp Albay 
-  * Alexis ReynouardRémy Detobel: {{:​teaching:​elasticsearch_2017.pdf|Search engines and Elastic Search}} +  * Cloud databases and Microsoft Azure: Rodaina MohamedKarim Maatouk 
-  * Tiffany Ong Lopez, Sergio Ruiz Sainz: {{:​teaching:​ignite_2017.pdf|In-memory ​databases and Apache Ignite}} +  * Column stores ​and Cassandra: Andrea Armani, Anant Gupta 
-  * Sofia YfantidouNoor Zehra: Time series DBs and InfluxDB +  * Data warehouses and Apache HiveEmir NurmatbekovMahmudul Hasan 
-  * Todi Thanasi, Lev Denisov: NoSQL databases ​and Cassandra +  * Document stores and MongoDB: Ledia IsajFabrício Ferreira 
-  * Mi Zhou, Prabhdeep Minhas{{:​teaching:​basex_2017.pdf|XML Databases and BaseX}} +  * Document ​stores and CouchbaseSamia AzzouziBrahim Amssafi 
-  * Lucie BauwinNicolas Baudoux: Real-time databases and Firebase +  * Embedded ​Databases and BerkeleyDBAli ArousMaria Letizia Losso 
-  * Antoine Vandevenne, Akira Baes: Document stores and RethinkDB +  * Key-value stores and Redis: Ira nazarchuk, Julio Candela 
-  * Marc GarnicaBatuhan Tuter: {{:​teaching:​pipelinedb_2017.pdf|Stream databases and PipelineDB}} +  * Multimedia databases and Oracle: Muthi Dorel Adrian, Fan Chen 
-  * Maksim Hrytsenia, Rui Liu: Column ​stores and HBase +  * Multimodel database ​and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB: Dimitrios Tsesmelis, Ricardo Holthausen Bermejo 
-  * Kumar Kshitij, Arthur ValingotStream databases and StreamSQL +  * NewSQL ​databases and VoltDB: Tamara Bojanic, Iva Mihajlovska 
-  * Ozge KorogluAnna Turu Pi: {{:​teaching:​neo4jj_2017.pdf|Graph databases and Neo4J}} +  * Object-oriented databases and Versant: Yi Chiau LiYu Hsuan Chen 
-  * Kashif Rabbani, Ivan Putera Masli: NewSQL ​Databases and CockroachDB +  * Real-time databases and Firebase: Jesus Huete, Valdemar Hernández 
-  * Jayanthi Kambayatughar,​ Marie Elisabeth Heinrich{{:​teaching:​azure_2017.pdf|Cloud databases and Microsoft Azure}} +  * Search Engines ​and Elastic Search: Haroon Rashid, Djordjije Krivokapic 
-  * Dagoberto HerreraKeneth Ubeda: {{:​teaching:​opentsdb_2017.pdf|Time series databases and OpenTSDB}} +  * Search Engines and ELK stack with Kafka: Haftamu Hailu TeferaIshaan Rachit Dwivedi 
-  * Bruno Baldez Correa, Yue Wang: Object-relational mapping tools and Hibernate +  * Streaming Databases with Apache Kafka: Nithish SankaranarayananGayane Vardanyan 
-  * Raisa Uku, Fatemeh Shafiee: ​Key-value stores and Redis +  * Stream Processing and Apache Storm: Ariston Harianto LimHung Nguyen 
-  * Dany Efila: ​Multimedia databases and Oracle +  * Time series ​databases and InfluxDB: Yalei Li, Haonan Jin 
-  * Anastasiia Zavolozhina,​ Ferdiansyah Dolot: Object oriented databases ​and Db4o +  * Time series databases and TimescaleDB:​ Uchechukwu Fortune NjokuAkash Malhotra 
-  * Batra Shubham, Liccardo Nathan: {{:​teaching:​berkeleydb_2017.pdf|Embedded ​databases and BerkeleyDB}} +  * XML databases and BaseX: Ayman MountasserMohammed Amine Belfarsi
-  * Yasin ArslanJacky Trinh: Document stores and RavenDB +
-  * Alex Buléon, Antoine Chédin: Multi-model databases and OrientDB +
-  * Beyens Ziad, Nougba Hamza: Document stores ​and CouchDB +
-  * Aleksei KaretnikovDavid Pieschacon: Graph stores and ArangoDB +
-  * Dany-Simone Efila EfilaMichel Noucha: Document stores and Cloudant +
-  * George KagramanyanLéni Poliseno: Document stores and Couchbase +
-  * Hajji Issam, Toure Ibrahim: {{:​teaching:​nuodb_2017.pdf|newSQL ​databases and nuoDB}} +
-  * Madrane SofianePierre-Alexandre Bourdais: Object-oriented embedded database and Perst +
-  * Kirubel YaekobYasmine Daoud: {{:​teaching:​opentsdb_2017.pdf|Database security and SQL Server}} +
- +
- +
 +/*  * {{:​teaching:​infoh415:​student_projects:​2019:​azure.pdf|Cloud databases and Microsoft Azure}}: Sara Diaz, Buse Ozer */
 ===== Examinations from Previous Years ===== ===== Examinations from Previous Years =====
teaching/infoh415.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 16:30 by ezimanyi