Table of Contents

INFO-H-420: Business Process Management 2012-2013



Study Programme

Trial Exam Questions

Some sample exam questions from the BPMS course in eindhoven from previous years. The questions have been edited to better match the slightly different content of the course at the ULB.

The exam is open book. Also the offline use of a computer is allowed. Please find here all slides in pptx format in one zip file.

Course Summary

This course introduces basic concepts for modeling and implementing business processes using contemporary information technologies. The first part of the course consists of modeling business processes, both the control flow and the resource perspective. Different workflow modeling languages are disucssed, such as BPMN, BPeL, EPCs and YAWL. The second part of the course goes into analysis, simulation, and verification of the workflow model. Finally, also process mining will be covered in one lecture. Throughout the course, YAWL will be used as the main tool to model and enact workflows.

Part of the course will be given in the form of a “proof of technology” and a case study by affiliated partner IBM at their premises in Evere (Next to the NATO complex). These two lectures complement the academic coverage of the topic with a more business-oriented perspective and are a nice addition to provide a complete picture of the Business Processing Modeling landscape.

Books and other lecture material

  1. Of the following three books, several chapters serve as background reading supporting the lectures. These book chapters are available for download through VLink@ULB
  2. Lecture slides: will be made available on this site before or right after the lecture; in the detailed schedule below, the entries for the individual lectures will link through to a page specifically about that lecture.


Detailed Schedule

This schedule is as detailed as possible at this moment; it may be subject to change. Changes will clearly be communicated to the students through this page, and during the lectures.

The lectures will take place on Tuesdays.

Many of the slides have been contributed by prof. Wil van der Aalst of the Eindhoven University of Technology, as an additional educational resource for the workflow book. Acknowledgement BPM