This page keeps track of the students who have paired for the (mandatory) database systems architecture project. You are asked to send, per group, the names of the group members to Mr. Francois Picalausa ( by October 22 at the latest.

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3
S. Garcia J. Chakkaradhari
E. Nakuci C. Murar
E. Saiki S. Harindrari
S. Seakomo S. Wendeson
P. Gaur P. Ashaolu
A. Fontana R. Osweiler J. Schmitz
I. Popov M. Milojević
S. Julinda N. Mahlouji
J.L. Lòpez Pino M. Burghelea
W. Jia D. Shi
F. Moeen M. Zohaib Khan