You are asked to implement an external-memory merge-sort algorithm (such as the one described in Section 15.4.1 of TCB), and examine its performance under different parameters. As a warm-up exercise you will need to explore several different ways to read data from, and write data to secondary memory. The overall goal of the assignment is to get real-world experience with the performance of external-memory algorithms. Be sure to read the full assignment for full details and modalities.
The assignment should be solved in groups of 3 (if the total number of students is not divisible by 3, at most two groups of 2 students will be allowed)
This project contributes 6/20 to the overall grade, and the written exam contributes the remaining 14/20 points. Your solution should be pushed to the Git repository (see full assignment) no later than 5 january 2020. You get a penalty of -1/6 points for each day that your solution is delayed.
You are asked to register, per group, the names of the group members via this online poll by November 4 at the latest. If you cannot find a partner, please indicate so by sending an email to prof. Vansummeren, who will hook you up with a partner.
The list of approved groups is published