5th International Workshop on Semantics and Conceptual Issues in Geographical Information Systems (SeCoGIS 2011)
Call for papers
Slides of presentations
Keynote Speaker
Topology and Semantics
SeCoGIS'10 Page
SeCoGIS'09 Page
SeCoGIS'08 Page
SeCoGIS'07 Page
SeBGIS'06 Page
SeBGIS'05 Page
Roland Billen, Pierre Hallot
Université de Liège (Belgium)
Keynote Speaker
Semantic modeling and vario-scale geo-information
Peter van Oosterom
Delft University (The Netherlands)
Cognitive Adequacy of Topological Consistency Measures
Nieves R. Brisaboa, Miguel R. Luaces and Andrea Rodriguez
Referring Expressions in Location Based Services: The case of the 'Opposite' Relation
Phil Bartie, Femke Reitsma, Eliseo Clementini and Simon Kingham
The Neighborhood Configuration Model. a New Framework To Distinguish Topological Relationships between Complex Volumes
Tao Chen and Markus Schneider
Topology and Semantics
Towards Modeling Dynamic Behavior with Integrated Qualitative Spatial Relations
Stefan Mitsch, Werner Retschitzegger and Wieland Schwinger
Transforming conceptual spatiotemporal model into Object model with semantic keeping
Chamseddine Zaki, Myriam Servières and Guillaume Moreau
Reasoning with Complements
Max Egenhofer