INFO-H-508 : Questions Actuelles d'Informatique : Planning 2012 : Details

14/02/2012 Smarter planet, big data and new business models


The next industrial wave will likely be enabled by the simultaneous emergence of a/ the green energy, b/ the new technologies fueled by the Biology and the science of the materials and aimed at managing the shortage in natural resources while keeping up the quality level of the life on earth and c/ the new generation of the IT technologies allowing the convergence of the digital world (internet, social networks, big data and analytics) with the physical world (the management of the supply chain of any kind).

IBM defined a new industrial strategy called “Smarter Planet” in order to develop the technologies and the skills to come along with its clients who are going to launch the transformation of their business model(s) aimed at taking benefit from the new opportunities of the new industrial wave in a globalized context.

4 business cases will be presented to illustrate the new paradigm :

For each of these business cases, the following aspects will be developed:

The conclusions of the presentation will be about the key roles of the IT architects and specialists in these transformation projects and about the skills that must be developed in order to be able to successfully take up the challenges related to these transformation projects.


Charles Delhaye has a Master in electrical and electronics engineering (UCL, 1987) and has an experience of nearly 25 years in consultancy (mainly about transformation enabled by the IT innovation) and in system integration (implementation of a solution made up of different components or applications in accordance with functional specification and very often in a fixed price approach). Since July 2010, Charles Delhaye is the leader in charge of the Application Innovation Services Line (AIS) at IBM Global Business Services. AIS consists in smarter commerce, smarter planet and turn-key system integration projects. His role is consisting in managing the human resources, defining the offerings portfolio to meet the market demand, making proposals and in managing projects.


28/02/2012 Le management cockpit : trait d’union entre le cerveau et la gestion


Le Directeur Général de Cockpit Group, Laurent Dhaeyer, vous fera découvrir comment la neurochirurgie et la compréhension des fonctionnements du cerveau peuvent aider à optimiser l’efficacité du reporting à destination des comités de direction.

Les questions suivantes seront débattues avec d’autres managers :

· Comment augmenter l’efficacité de vos décisions ? · Comment améliorer la performance de votre entreprise? · Comment piloter les objectifs de votre équipe? · Comment faire pour partager les informations clés de performance avec vos gestionnaires?


Ingénieur commercial Solvay de formation, Laurent a récemment complété sa formation à la Harvard Business School où il a été exposé aux dernières méthodes de management et aux études les plus récentes en matière de stratégie et de balanced scorecards.

Après 5 années de conseil en management chez Deloitte, il a rejoint Ogone, le leader Européen de la sécurisation de paiement en ligne. Ses responsabilités ont rapidement évolué du business development vers le corporate development et le product management. Il a été une des chevilles ouvrières de l’internationalisation d’Ogone, menant à son rachat par un fond de private equity Américain.


6/03/2012 Obsolescence des systèmes d'information et gestion du risque associé


Toute la science informatique, et l'enseignement associé se concentre sur le développement de nouveau systèmes. On introduit régulièrement de nouveaux outils, langages et méthodes destinés à répondre à l'état de l'art de ce qui est demandé aux nouvelles applications (pour preuve récente, les efforts pour permettre le développement d'application nomades, sécurisées, en mode dégradé, etc.). Pendant ce temps, il y a peu d'intérêt pour l'étude du vieillissement des applications, du passif technique des organisations, comment limiter les risques, comment faire vivre une application existante, souvent conçue de manière suboptimale dans un monde où certains points fixes demeurent mais l'essentiel est fait d'une tectonique très fluctuante: matériel, bases de données, systèmes d'exploitation, etc. Ce séminaire vise à introduire les enjeux induits par l'obligation pour les organisations de maintenir vivants des systèmes obsolètes, et de la difficulté qu'il y a à les remplacer en pratique.


Darius Blasband has a Master's degree and a PhD from the Université Libre De Bruxelles. His interests cover all aspects of programming language processing, including compilation, reverse engineering, parsing technologies, types systems and optimizations. He runs RainCode, based in Brussels, Belgium, which offers products and services for the legacy modernization market. He is responsible for product design and strategic alliances.


13/03/2012 IBM´s Watson - Deep Insight is more than just playing a game of Jeopardy !


After the resounding success of IBM´s Watson in the American game show Jeopardy!, the question quickly arises concerning the role of analytics and its impact on government, enterprises and consumers versus the applicability of the principles and mathematical optimization models behind Watson. Looking to those companies that have started to adopt analytics as part of their differentiation, Marc Teerlink and Michael Haydock, IBM´s Chief Scientist, observed in their recently authored study that “companies leading in use of predictive analytics and executing effectively across multiple channels have been able to increase top-line growth up to FIVE times more than their less sophisticated peer group”

During todays session, Marc Teerlink, IBM´s Global Strategist, will take you on a roller coaster ride covering the research and facts behind IBM´s Watson winning Jeopardy!, share a framework of analytic strategies and the success they have brought to leading organizations and discuss the impact of how Deep Question and Answer (Q&A) will change society as we know it in the coming three to six years.


Dr Marc Teerlink, mba/mbi, is a global strategist for IBM on subjects such as Business Optimization, “Business Analytics” & “Business Intelligence”. Marc is part of IBM´s Global Center of Competence, acting as a “sparring partner” and “thought leader” with IBM´s global Clients. Prior to sharing his experience with clients, for over four years Marc has been part of IBM´s internal BI & Sales Transformation team, from where his experience evolved to leading various of IBM´s geographic consulting practices.

Marc also leads a piece of research together with leading international business schools under the title “turning data into dollars,” consolidating the lessons learned and best practices on how more than 1600 worldwide companies make money out of their customer/product related information.

Prior to joining IBM in 2001, Marc spent 17 years as an international banker, a consultant in strategic management, a sales transformation manager in a US telecommunication firm and as an European Director for Relationship Technologies at a high-tech corporation.

20/03/2012 L'innovation logicielle dans le secteur ferroviaire / ERTMS


L’European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) définit des standards pour l'interopérabilité entre les systèmes de protection à bord de train (ETCS) et l'infrastructure de chemin de fer. Aujourd'hui, tous les nouveaux projets ferroviaires en Europe doivent être conformes au standard ERTMS. Ce marché en plein essor est une source constante de nouveaux besoins logiciels, pour améliorer les processus de développement, test, homologation et maintenance des systèmes de signalisation ferroviaire. Grâce au standard ERTMS, une approche “produit” est possible. A travers un parcours des produits développés par ERTMS Solutions et des clients qui les utilisent, nous examinerons le marché ERTMS et les chemins pour y réaliser des produits logiciels innovants.


System Engineer and Sales Director for ERTMS Solutions since October 2004, he took part in the development of several products related to the communication between the different onboard devices (EVC, STM, MMI, JRU, ) as well as between the train and the trackside (Euroradio and Eurobalise). He bears the full responsibility for developing a customer base in the ERTMS market, and successfully established a network of clients and contacts for the ERTMS Solutions product line. He is in constant contact with ERTMS User Group officials and technical and management staff from the various ERTMS constructors and certifiers.


27/03/2012 A Business Approach to Information Management


Data/information have long been recognized an asset that enabled competitive edge. However, this has long been mainly managed by technical teams. The increasing importance of information systems and their increasing potential is finally bringing businesses to recognize that data and information are currently not optimally managed. It is easy to state that information is an asset, but due to its intangible nature, most companies don’t know how to approach this.

Enterprise Information Management proposes a business driven approach towards this rising challenge. The main topics that will be addressed in the talk are:


After a 15 years successful career path within the IT department of ING Belgium (former BBL), Jean-Paul Otte took a new start as consultant in 2001. Since then, he has been playing different roles, from Business Development to Business Unit Director together with Management consulting and Program/Project Management.

In 2006, Jean-Paul started the Entreprise Information Management Business Unit at Business & Decision BeNeLux with a particular focus on Data Quality Management and Data Governance applied to Business Intelligence and Master Data Management. Jean-Paul is recognized as a thought leader on the subject in Europe and the 25 consultants of the Unit have already deployed the framework for several customers in different countries and sectors.


17/04/2012 Fraud risk management in practice


Starting from a strategic positioning of Fraud Detection in the complete Fraud Risk Management process, the presentation will work its way down to specific Fraud scenarios and their Detection mechanisms. Along the way, we will touch upon the requirements efficient and effective Fraud Detection poses in terms of - Organization (Operating Model, skill sets, …), - Hardware, and - Software architecture Real life examples will illustrate some of the hurdles we faced over the years.


In September 2009, Olivier Caelen got a PhD at the Machine Learning Group of the Université Libre de Bruxelles under the supervision of Professor Gianluca Bontempi. His research focused mainly on computational intelligence and in particular on the technics to speed up the models selection process. Since November 2010, he works in the fraud detection team of Atos Worldline.


8/05/2012 Semantic Web Solutions for the Medical Domain


The domain of Health produces a lot of data that is accumulating in all languages, coming from heterogeneous sources - surveys, articles, trials, ehr, legacy systems, ontologies, terminologies, etc - and is overwhelming the users. The Semantic Web is an initiative that merges the fields of logic and knowledge representation and builds on the basis of the Web regarding its means of publication and interlinking data. This combination is powerful, providing more control over the data and helping to achieve interoperability between independantly built systems. That is why it is more and more seen as a possible solution in the eHealth domain.

The talk will start by an overview of the semantic web concepts and tools, including the more recent Linked Data movement. Then, benefits for the medical domain will be presented. Finally, the talk will focus on CETIC current projects in the field.


Joseph Roumier is currently R&D Project Manager at CETIC in the Intelligent Content & Semantics Team. He uses Semantic Web tools and concepts for Knowledge Management in fields such as eHealth and Entreprise2.0. He shares his time between the european project PONTE as leader of the work package dedicated to clinical trial related data representation and organization and a PhD thesis on multilingual medical terminologies at the University of Ghent. He is also part of the CELLaVI project, a regional initiative promoting Free and Open-Source Software towards Walloon SME’s. He was formerly R&D Engineer at CEGELEC during the ITEA Proteus project for which he worked on a Document Server with smart access points (Ontology, Terminology, MetaData). He also worked on Terminological Resources description with OWL-DL. He obtained in 2003 his MS diploma from ENSEM (École Nationale Supérieure d’Électricité et de Mécanique - France) and a MSc (Diplôme d’Études Approfondies) in Computer Science from the University of Nancy – France.


15/05/2012 Business Intelligence: From ETL to Analytics


The purpose of this guest lecture is to illustrate how the different aspects of business intelligence are put into practice. The aspects covered are ETL, Data Warehousing and Reporting, as well as the current hot topic: Analytics. For each of these topics the presentation will provide an overview of what the topic consists of in a real-life business context, the different phases that typically apply and the different job roles that are involved in this. This message will be strengthened by providing examples of actual deliverables and working documents. As Accenture is a consulting firm the guest lecture will retain a wide scope, leveraging our Business Intelligence experience across all industries and functional domains. Nonetheless, to enhance understanding, the presentation will provide one integrated case, containing all of this experience.


Thomas Godefroid holds a Master in Civil Engineering (Electricity and Mechanics) from ULB. He has more than 10 years experience in IT with a constant focus to bridge the gap between BU and IT. He has got extensive experiences in Business Intelligence, BI Strategy and Governance, Data Management & Architecture combined with strong Project/Program management skills.


22/05/2012 Welcome to ICT Project Management


Les outils informatiques sont au cœur du fonctionnement propre des entreprises et leur évolution apporte des bénéfices business réels. Qu’elles soient petites, moyennes ou de grande taille, les entreprises mettent en place des projets pour contrôler les changements et leurs impacts sur leurs activités métier. La gestion de projets ICT en entreprise concerne autant les projets de développement logiciel que les projets d’infrastructure. L’installation de serveurs, le déploiement de réseaux, la migration de postes de travail ou de nouvelles solutions logicielles sont des exemples courants.

Les méthodologies conventionnelles comme PMI ou Prince2 utilisées en entreprise pour gérer ces projets proviennent des bonnes pratiques utilisées depuis les 20 dernières années. Toutefois, certaines méthodes plus jeunes comme Agile Scrum annoncent une meilleure « efficacité » et convainquent de plus en plus grâce à une approche différente qui se démarque des méthodologies reconnues.

Cette introduction à la gestion de projets ICT pour les futurs ingénieurs permettra de mieux comprendre le rôle du chef de projets, les méthodologies reconnues et les outils-clefs utilisés par une grande majorité des entreprises.


Ingénieur Civil en Télécom sorti en 2005 de l’ULB, Michel Duchateau a travaillé comme consultant ICT pendant 5 ans pour des sociétés comme Alten Belgium, Belgacom Telindus, Electrabel, GDF-Suez et Orange Business Services. Comme chef de projet, il a mené la réalisation de projets en infrastructure, en développement logiciel et en migration en suivant différentes méthodologies.

Avant de terminer ses études, Michel a fondé Altasys avec 3 autres Ingénieurs civils afin de développer des logiciels pour le secteur médical. En 2010, il a démarré un projet de startup dans l’e-business et le Customer Information Management, coaché par Solvay Entrepreneurs et lauréat de Réseau Entreprendre.

Entrepreneur, Michel travaille aujourd’hui comme consultant en gestion de projets et formateur pour les PME et les indépendants.


29/05/2012 Symbolic regression for modeling complex continuous and discrete- continuous systems


Symbolic regression is a mature methodology for function discovery and variable selection from real world data. In this talk we introduce the main principles of symbolic regression and the additional algorithmic improvements that are necessary to make symbolic regression suitable for practical problem solving. Besides generating robust and transparent nonlinear models on possibly unbalanced data with missing and correlated inputs, symbolic regression workflows can now be used to efficiently identify driving variables, outliers in data, and provide robust response predictions using ensembles of diverse models. We illustrate these capabilities on industrial examples from various fields.


Katya is a Chief Data Scientist and Partner at Evolved Analytics and co-owner of Evolved Analytics Europe. She did a PhD on symbolic regression at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Katya also holds a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (in industrial mathematics) from Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, and a Master of Science in Mathematics (in mathematical theory of intelligent systems) from Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia. Katya pursues research in data-driven modeling, high-performance computing, and industrial optimization, particularly in the industrial scale data analysis and feature selection for regression.
