Table of Contents

INFO-H-420: Management of Data Science and Business Workflows

Version 2018 BPM Edition 2018

We use the Moodle site for managing the course. Please go to and search for the course INFO-H420



Study Programme


The grade for the course will be composed of:

Course Summary

This course introduces basic concepts for modelling and implementing business processes using contemporary information technologies. We start by the introduction of Petri nets. Because of their simple, yet rigorously mathematical formulation, Petri nets are very suitable to unambiguously define typical workflow patterns, and to reason about important notions such as soundness and completeness of workflows. Then we will move our attention to more practical workflow modelling languages. We will study the academic language YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) and the industrial standard BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Model and Notation) in detail, and touch the main characteristics of BPeL (Business Process Execution Language) and EPCs (Event-driven Process Chains). The second part of the course then goes into the analysis, simulation, verification, and induction (process mining) of workflow models.

In the exercises the YAWL system will be used to enact YAWL models, and the free software BonitaSoft for BPMN modeling and enactment. Furthermore, during the course a “proof of technology” and a case study will be offered by affiliated partner IBM at their premises in Evere (Next to the NATO complex).

Books and other lecture material

  1. The main text book.
  1. Readings.
  2. Regarding YAWL, it could be interesting to inspect some of the chapters of the YAWL reference book
    Available for download through VLink@ULB
    (Slides for this book)
  3. Lecture slides: will be made available on UV.
