Book Reviews


I think it is quite simply the most comprehensive textbook about data warehousing on the market.
The book is very well suited for one or more DW courses, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced.
It has all the features that are necessary to make a good textbook.
First, a running case study, based on the Northwind database known from Microsoft's tools, is used to illustrate all aspects using
many detailed figures and examples. Second, key terms and concepts are highlighted in the text for better reading and understanding.
Third, review questions are provided at the end of each chapter so students can quickly check their understanding.
Fourth, the many detailed exercises for each chapter put the presented knowledge into action, yielding deep learning,
and taking students through all the steps needed to develop a data warehouses.
Finally, the book shows how to implement data warehouses using leading
industrial and open source tools, concretely Microsoft's and Pentaho's suites
of data warehouse tools, giving students the essential hands-on experience
that enables them to put the knowledge into practice.
Professor Torben Bach Pedersen
Co-director of the Center for Data-Intensive Systems (Daisy)
Aalborg Universiteit